And we live in the bay area and it’s expensive. I needed to continue to bring in my half of the mortgage and our half of the bills. And by that, I mean, if you want to be a person who sustains financially half or more, of a household. And I’ve said this before on the show, and I will say it again, but this is for you, if you want to be a full-time writer. And I wanted to take this moment to talk to you a little bit about money. And I am proud of myself and I am happy and grateful.
And here’s your, what you made- net and she just pointed out to me couple hours ago, the year that I went full time, 2016, I netted $20,000 from my writing business. What else is going on around here? Well, I just finished doing our taxes and this was the best year ever since I talked about that in my money show at the beginning of the year, but it’s always a little bit different in April when my tax person says, oh, and don’t forget, you made this here, and you made that. So, yeah, I’m glad that’s done because it was excruciating. You can’t explain this kind of thing to a little old man cat. I could just say goodbye to my sisters and my people, because I can talk to them.

I think they have adopted him wholeheartedly and that makes me feel good and it makes me sad, but we are one- I think that was honestly the hardest thing we’re going to have to do in this move. So they have some time to take him for a test run although I don’t think they have any interest in taking him for a test run. But it works out really well and that he stays there and, that’s why we did it early. And Waylon is just made of love and apparently he’s just been loving everybody in the house and fitting in and we’re crossing our fingers. So, rehoming him was so much harder than it normally would have been because we felt like we were stripping everything from him, which we were, and it was awful, but, we took him to a home with three incredible, adorable, smart kids who just want to love him. Waylon is also the one that lost his dog this, you know, a couple of months ago, also lost his twin brother about a month ago. His age, either during the flight or during the quarantine, and we can’t do that to him. Waylon is too old to make the trip safely. And I know that sounds over-reactive if you are not an animal person, but if you are, you understand. This last weekend, when we gave our kitty Waylon to someone who’s adopting him and it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. What’s going on around here? Well, the move continues a pace, we did a pretty- not pretty, a very difficult thing. So she was a delight, please stick around for that. I found this conversation completely fascinating, and I hope that you do too. Well, Hello writers! Welcome to episode # 235 of “How do you Write?” I’m Rachael Herron, and I am thrilled that you’re here with me today as I speak to Nancy Stohlman on why writing short, and I mean, short, short, short is so exciting. I’ll keep each episode short so you can get back to writing. On this podcast, I talk to authors about how they write, what their process is and how their lives fit together. Rachael Herron: Welcome to “How do you Write?” I’m your host, Rachael Herron.

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Want tips on how to write the book you long to finish? Here you’ll gain insight from other writers on how to get in the chair, tricks to stay in it, and inspiration to get your own words flowing. How Do You Write Podcast: Explore the processes of working writers with bestselling author Rachael Herron. When she is not writing flash fiction she straps on stilettos and becomes the lead singer of the lounge metal jazz trio Kinky Mink. She teaches writing and rhetoric at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her craft book, Going Short: An Invitation to Flash Fiction, is forthcoming from Ad Hoc Fiction in 2020.
She is the creator of The Fbomb Flash Fiction Reading Series and FlashNano in November. Nancy Stohlman is the author of four books of flash fiction including Madam Velvet’s Cabaret of Oddities (a finalist for a 2019 Colorado Book Award), The Vixen Scream and Other Bible Stories (2014), and The Monster Opera (2013).